Update, 2008-01-04: These notes are being gutted and trimmed to their
bare essentials. A lot of what I used to have in here, either no
longer applies to the story any more (see main page for massive updates),
or no longer applies to ME anymore. Thanks, and enjoy the show.
Q: Why have Ranma and Akane start the story
out kissing, and being all weepy and emotional
with each other?
A: I never intended the story to be a full
blown series, I actually only started out writing
Ranma Gets A Clue, to be a "One-Shot - WAFF Fic."
It just kind of snowballed.
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter one here as they are asked of me)
Q: What is this great plan that Ranma and
Mousse come up with on that rooftop? You mention
it in chapter 2, and then once and a while in the
story, but I have yet to see any evidence of it.
A: It is coming. In Chapter 11 the plan is
set into motion.
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter two here as they are asked of me)
Q: Why resurrect the whole "Kunou and gang
attacking Akane in the morning bit?" It is a
fanfiction convention that has been WAY overdone.
A: True, but technically they weren't
attacking Akane at first in chapter 3, they were
after Ranma. It was also done to create tension.
Q: Ryouga? American Football? Are you
smoking crack?
A: No, I thought that was a funny bit, I
happen to like it. Not everyone likes all my jokes
but you have to admit they are weird. ^_^
Q: Tickle fights? What is wrong with you?
A: Many many things, but this was thrown in
to show how immature they both are, emotionally
they are both very young, they aren't comfortable
with touching each other in a sexual manner, so
they express their feelings with non-sexual
touching. Just like the boys would hit and tease
the girls in elementary school, and the girls
would torment the boys relentlessly. Same deal
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter three here as they are asked of me)
Q: Ranma ready to kill people to defend
Akane? Come on isn't that a little extreme?
A: This one is a little harder to explain, it
will become clearer why Ranma is such a violent
protector once you have read chapter 10. But yes
he was dead serious, and ready to kill to protect
Q: Using the "Hiru Shouten Ha," on mere
normally trained martial artists? Isn't that
going a bit too far?
A: Again, I can't really explain WHY Ranma is
such a crazy protector here without spoiling
chapter 10, all will become clearer with time.
Q: Who is this Midori girl? Why bring her
into the picture?
A: Originally she was just some comic relief,
and the person who happened to pick up Ranma's
satchel. But I kept her on because she was the
first character I ever made up entirely for the
series, and I kinda liked her, in a sad pathetic
sort of way [shrugs] I am sentimental like that.
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter four here as they are asked of me)
Q: So here I am, happily reading along in my
little fanfiction world about Ranma and Akane's
romance, and then POOF, they go bye bye, and I get
stuck with Ryouga and Nabiki? What is the MATTER
with you?
A: I got a little tired of that story line
okay? I wanted a change of pace, deal with it.
Q: Isn't Ryouga a tad out of character (OOC)
in this chapter? He is NOT that honorable!
A: I know Ryouga may seem a little out of
character, but work with me people. True he is
no-where near this rambunctious in neither the
Manga nor Anime, but!... he does hint at these
sorta feelings, especially around akane. So it
goes to reason that he would behave thus around
others as well. I want Ryouga to be chivalrous,
so dammit chivalrous he shall be! I know you may
be tempted to cite the incident on Togenkyo
island where Ryouga almost left Ukyo to
the monkey dude as a perfect example of his not so
chivalrous attitude, granted you have a point.
But he DIDN'T leave her, and he DID defend her,
and he WAS half crazed with worry for Akane,
another girl he was trying to protect. So ... um
... THERE ... I guess ^_^
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter five here as they are asked of me)
Q: Magic? What is wrong with you? There is
no magic in Ranma 1/2!
A: I beg to differ Jusenkyo springs breath.
Q: Okay, well, you got me there, but still,
that isn't the same kind of magic as you are
introducing here!
A: You are absolutely right! Here's your
reward! ... crickets ...
Q: When it says that Ranma feels "drained"
after Akane touches him when she uses her magic,
is she restoring her energy by sucking it from
A: Yes.
Q: Where did this ancient tome of Chinese
legend come from? What does it mean?
A: Read chapter 8.
Q: I have it figured out, Ranma is the savior
in the prophecy isn't he?
A: Maybe he is, and maybe he isn't. Tofu
could be. Akane could be, Ryouga could be, you'll
just have to read to the end and find out.
Q: Nabiki and Ryouga? You wouldn't dare?
A: Of course I would dare, but for the moment
your sensibilities are safe.
Q: Akane and Ranma sleeping with each other?
Isn't that kinda kinky/Limish?
A: Yes, so what? They stay fully clothed the
entire time. At least ... as far as YOU know anyway ^_-
Q: Shadowy figures on the rooftops? Isn't
this a romance story?
A: Yes and no. It has to have SOMETHING to
keep the story line moving or it would denigrate
into either a full blown lemon, or a Sailor Moon
type deal, and NO ONE wants that. [shudders]
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter six here as they are asked of me)
Q: Does Akane's Dream mean something?
A: Yes, so does Tofu's. It all gets wrapped
up into a tidy little ball in the end. Chapter 8
will partially explain the major driving plot of
this story, and the final chapter wraps everything
up - for the most part [cackles evilly].
Q: Why doesn't Akane beat the hell out of
Ranma when she discovers him in her bed in the
A: [sigh] It is called character development.
If I kept everything exactly the same as
Takahashi's work then it would get very boring
very fast. (well, I mean, come on, there is always
the comedy GOLD of punting Happosai the pervert
into lower earth orbit ... but unless I spent
all of my time coming up with stories DOING that,
then we gotta have some character development ^_^)
Akane is still a violent little
monkey, she is just going to spare Ranma for the
most part from now on, it is one of the benefits
of taking a lover ... even if all you have done
with your lover is ACTUALLY sleep with them.
Q: Ranma and Kasumi having brother/sister
type talks in the morning? Where did that come
A: I just kinda stuck it in there, it is just
for plot and character development. I think it is
kinda sweet, don't you?
Q: So these black clad ninja guys are yakuza
right? I know about the Japanese mafia, so this
must be the answer.
A: NO! They are not part of the &@##$!#*$@
yakuza, and boy am I getting tired of answering
this one. Read the chapter carefully, it tells
you what group they belong to. Yakuza was too
predictable, I made it a little less canon-like.
Q: Hey, Tofu acted like a normal person when
Kasumi got hurt, that is important right?
A: Yes, very important. Pay attention to the
Tofu/Kasumi Developments in the next few chapters.
Q: Why didn't Akane heal Kasumi like she did
Nabiki? You are being inconsistent!
A: Akane didn't heal Kasumi because a
balancing factor (Tofu) had already taken the
matter into his own hands, and because Ranma
caught it before it became lodged in her mind
enough to worry about it like she did on her run
to see Nabiki. Ranma and Tofu combined can sort
of cancel her out at the moment, that is the best
way I can describe it at the moment.
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter seven here as they are asked of me)
I am going to be rather evasive about this
chapter. This chapter holds the keys to a lot of
answers in the story line, and if I give them all
away here in the FAQ, the story won't be as much
Q: Why are there no names in this chapter
except for the regular Ranma 1/2 characters?
A: Because it is a DREAM, silly goose, since
when are dreams rational?
Q: Why are you re-telling the story of the
formation of Jusenkyo?
A: Technically I cam not RE-Telling it. It
was never told (at least, as far as I know).
And I like my version better.
Q: Is the man in black, in the dream, the same
as the one in Akane's dream?
A: Yes.
Q: Is the sword going to come back into the
story later?
A: Yes.
Q: What in the world was the point of this
chapter? What does it all mean?
A: No comment, read it and figure it out,
come to your own conclusions.
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter eight here as they are asked of me)
Q: Why is Tofu all bitter/crabby like now?
He used to be such a charming goofball.
A: It took a large shock to his reality to
get Tofu to drop his goofy act around Kasumi, that
was his defense against her, he was terrified she
would break his heart. So he kept her away until
he was ready to ask - and subsequently be refused,
if she loved him. It is all kind of complicated,
read it and try to figure it out.
Q: Why doesn't Ranma just beat up the people
that bug him so much? Why does he need a secret
restaurant to hide in?
A: Because Ranma runs from his problems, and
anyway you don't use the art for that purpose.
(I will post more answers to questions about
chapter nine here as they are asked of me)
Q: How could Ranma, a martial arts GOD, get beat up?
Are you writing him out of character, or does this story
take place early on in the canon?
A: The story takes place early on in the canon. Before
it branches out in the my own strange take on the series
anyway. Think of the anime series, seasons 1-4ish, as the
canon setting, before the story branches. I hadn't even read
the majority of the manga when I wrote the majority of
this story -- especially the managa where Ranma encountered
the Musk dynasty folks.
Q: They didn't SLEEP together, "sleep together," did they?
A: Nope. Ranma is saving himself for marriage ^_-
Q: What is a focus pad?
A: This is a focus pad

Q: What is the the deal with the red belt to black belt thing?
A: Akane wears a red belt in the anime. Red belts are in the
Tae Kwon Do ranking system, not the Kenpo/Kempo system, which uses
red only for tenth degree "master" ranks (at least that is what my
instructors have told ME anyway). Since she is clearly not the master
of her school (Happosai is), I took it that the animators just
assigned her a random belt color, and called it a day. I seriously
doubt anyone is going to seriously argue that Akane was wearing a red
belt denoting that she was in fact a senior black belt of her school.
It just doesn't make any sense.
Since her belt color was red, I used the Tae Kwon Do belt system to
assign her a skill level in my mind. When I had Ranma promote her to
Black, I stated implicitly in the story that all of the senior members
of her school thought she was basically ready for black (which was why
they had the scroll ready), she just needed some final polishing
training to make the leap, and assemble it all in her mind. She had done
the time, she had put in the training hours, she just needed the polish,
and someone with the patience, (and hit endurance) to see it through
with her.
This is keeping in spirit with how actual Kenpo/Kempo schools run (at
least as far as I have experienced them), where you are assigned rank
based on the observations of your instructor -- who is fully free to
assign a student to black belt, if they feel they are ready. Kung Fu
schools do that too. Tae Kwon Do schools (at least the ones I have
attended) and schools which use their ranking system, generally progress
you at a fairly regular rate, rewarding you with continuous small
achievements in ranks. They generally use tips (colored pieces of tape,
or in some schools, special belts showing your progress with stripes
or something similar, for the same purpose) to do this, and when you
get enough tips you move up in belt color.
So, the position I was taking was that Akane was a red belt when the
anime started (obviously we never see what color rank she held in the
black and white manga -- except some covers, which generally show it
as either red or orange-ish red), and she is clearly below everyone
else in her dojo in skill level. She carried her red belt rank all
through the anime, I never saw it change (on the rare occasions she
wore it, after the first season). The only other color one could argue
it was, is orange, which is even lower than red, and is on the Kenpo/
Kempo scale (while red isn't) around where green is on the Tae Kwon
Do scale.
The whole "point" of the plan was for Ranma to be a dramatic stepping
stone in Akane's training. He was to be the bridge to her considering
herself his equal, and for it to really mean something. As I wrote in
the story, that obviously required a lot of pain and suffering on both
of their parts, in order to make it "real", and it also required Ranma
to "get a clue" and make a decision, and follow through with it -- which
was sort of the entire premise of the story. Sure, I could have had him
promote her to brown belt, which is the next step in the Tae Kwon Do
ranking system (also more or less in the Kenpo/Kempo system, except
they use 3 levels of brown), or he could have given her a tip, or
anything like that. But how dramatic would that have been?
Authors license, dude ^_^